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Pentagrams in MU Online

The elemental system (pentagram) - a special system, that adds extra damage on your targets, on top of your basic damage.   
The system works via Pentagram, that is equipped in a special slot.            
There is a total of 5 elements.


Defence ->
Attack (bottom)

For example for water element users it is huge luck to battle against monsters or players who use the fire element.         
However it will be less effective against Earth.

Errtels Value:

Errtels of Anger
Rank One
Elemental Damage: (+30, +33, +38, +45, +54, +65, +78, +93, +113, +138, +200)
Rank Two
Elemental Damage vs [Elemental Type*]: (+5%, +6%, +7%, +8%, +9%, +10%, +12%, +14%, +16%, +18%, +20%)
Rank Three
Elemental Damage in PVP: (+30, +35, +43, +54, +66, +80 +97, +117, +142, +172, +207)
Elemental Damage: (+30, +35, +43, +54, +66, +80 +97, +117, +142, +172, +207)


Errtels of Blessing
Rank One
Elemental Defense: (+10, +13, +17, +22, +28, +35, +43, +79, +100, +121, +142)
Rank Two
Elemental Defense vs [Elemental Type*]: (+5%, +6%, +7%, +8%, +9%, +10%, +12%, +14%, +16%, +18%, +20%)
Rank Three
Elemental Defense in PVP: (+13, +17, +22, +28, +35, +43, +79, +100, +121, +142, +163)
Elemental Defense: (+13, +17, +22, +28, +35, +43, +79, +100, +121, +142, +163)


Errtels of Integrity
Rank One
Elemental Attack Rate: (+5%, +6%, +7%, +8%, +9%, +10%, +12%, +14%, +16%, +18%, +20%)
Rank Two
Elemental Attack Rate vs [Elemental Type*]: (+5%, +6%, +7%, +8%, +9%, +10%, +12%, +14%, +16%, +18%, +20%)
Rank Three
Elemental Damage in PVP: (+30, +35, +43, +54, +66, +80 +97, +117, +142, +172, +207)
Elemental Damage: (+30, +35, +43, +54, +66, +80 +97, +117, +142, +172, +207)


Errtels of Divinity
Rank One
Elemental Defense Rate: (+5%, +6%, +7%, +8%, +9%, +10%, +12%, +14%, +16%, +18%, +20%)
Rank Two
Elemental Defense Rate vs [Elemental Type*]: (+5%, +6%, +7%, +8%, +9%, +10%, +12%, +14%, +16%, +18%, +20%)
Rank Three
Elemental Defense in PVP: (+13, +17, +22, +28, +35, +43, +79, +100, +121, +142, +163)
Elemental Defense: (+13, +17, +22, +28, +35, +43, +79, +100, +121, +142, +163)


Errtels of Radiance
Rank One
Elemental DMG II: (+33, +48, +63, +78, +95, +112 +129, +148, +167, +186, +209)
Elemental Defense II: (+13, +21, +29, +37, +46, +55 +64, +74, +84, +94, +107)
Elemental DMG III: (+33, +52, +71, +90, +120, +141 +162, +191, +213, +235, +261)
Elemental Defense III: (+13, +23, +33, +43, +54, +65 +76, +90, +104, +118, +135)
Rank Two
Absorb Shield: (+1%, +2%, +3%, +4%, +5%, +6%, +7%, +8%, +9%, +10%, +11%)
Absorb Life: (+1%, +2%, +3%, +4%, +5%, +6%, +7%, +8%, +9%, +10%, +11%)
Bastion: (+3%, +4%, +5%, +6%, +8%, +10%, +12%, +15%, +18%, +21%, +25%)
Rank Three
Bleeding: (+100, +140, +180, +220, +260, +300, +340, +380, +420, +460, +500)
Paralyzing: (+13%, +14%, +15%, +16%, +18%, +20%, +22%, +25%, +28%, +31%, +35%)
Binding: (+0=1s, +1=1s, +2=1s, +3=2s, +4=2s, +5=2s, +6=2s, +7=3s, +8=4s, +9=4s, +10=5s)
Punish: (+6%, +7%, +8%, +9%, +10%, +11%, +12%, +13%, +14%, +15%, +16%)
Blinding: (+50, +52, +54, +56, +59, +62, +65, +69, +73, +77, +85)


Mastery Errtels
> Mastery Errtels can be equipped only with Mastery Pentagrams.
> Only Anger,Blessing,Integrity and Divinity Errtels can be mastery. Radiance errtels is only normal.
> Mastery Errtels have 2 type of set options. First is Fighting Spirit (attack) and second is Passionate (defensive).
> Mastery pentagram can equip only character over 1000 level.
> Antonias' Sword (I) can be crafted only from Arca's Prophecy / Antonia's Sword / Kundun's Seal Scroll.
> Brilliant Orb (I) can be crafted from Kundun's Madness Blade / Kundun's Magic Spell Scroll / Empire Guardian's Stronghold / Ancient Icarus Scroll / Runedil's Goldentune Harp / Lemuria's Orb / Norrwen's Bloodstring Lyra.
> You have to upgrade normal Pentagram +11 and higher for making Mastery Pentagram. Pentagram +11=80%, +12=85%, +13=90%, +14=95%, +15=100%.
> The success rate for upgrade from normal to mastery errtel at least rank 2 level 7 is 100%. Mastery Errtel rank1 called "Common", rank2 called "Rare" and rank3 called "Unique".


Errtels Level-up Rates

Errtel Level-up RatesLevel 1Level 2Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6Level 7Level 8Level 9Level 10
Rank 1100%100%100%100%100%90%90%80%80%80%
Rank 2100%100%100%90%90%85%80%80%70%70%
Rank 3100%100%90%90%85%80%80%70%70%60%
Mastery Errtels Level-up RatesLevel 1Level 2Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6Level 7Level 8Level 9Level 10
Succes Rate60%60%60%60%60%60%60%60%60%60%


Wing Option Level-up

Wing Option Level UpLevel 1Level 2Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6Level 7Level 8Level 9Level 10Level 11Level 12Level 13Level 14Level 15
Succes Rate90%84%78%72%66%60%54%54%54%54%54%54%54%40%40%

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