Welcome to ErebosMU - S20



You can see below Global drop for whole MU continent. There are a lot of interesting items, which you need during the game.



Splinter of Armor
Bless of Guardian
Claw of Beast


Tarkan ~ Ubaid

Lock Magic Bell
Silver Box
Dark Raven Spirit
Loch's Feather
Crest of Monarch


Ubaid ~ Old Kethotum

Condor Magical Drops
Golden Box
Dark Horse Spirit


Aida 3 (Bloody monsters)

2.5 wings materials


Land of Trials

Elemental Rune
Talisman of Luck
Elemental Talisman of Luck
Ancient Items


Acheron ~ Kardamahal Undergroun Temple

Mithril Fragment


Deep Dungeon 2 ~ Kardamahal Undergroun Temple

Garuda Flame
Golden Sentence


Swamp of Darkness ~ Kardamahal Undergroun Temple

Boss Battle Ticket


Nixie Lake ~ Kardamahal Undergroun Temple

Varka Entrance Ticket
Elena Letter


Blaze Kethothum ~ Kardamahal Undergroun Temple

Uriel's Feather
Ability Crystal


Excelent Set Items Drop

Bloodangel items - Debenter, Uruk, Nars
Darkangel items - Ferea, Nixie, Old Kethotum
Holyangel items - DeepDungeon1,2,3,4,5
Awakening items - Swamp of Darkness, Kubera 
Blue Eye items - Abyss1, Abbys3, Abyss3
Silverheart items - Scorched Canyon, Icarus Red Smoke
Manticore items - Arenil Temple, Ashen Aida
Briliant items - Blaze Kethotum, Kanturu Underground
Apocalypse items - Ignis Volcano, Bloody Tarkan
Primorial Lightning - Tormenta Island, Twisted Karutan




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