Gens System
When participating in Gens activities, you'll earn Contribution Points. Contribution Points are accumulated to calculate a monthly reward for your hard work. Being in a Gens allows access to Battle maps. Killing a Gens Member from the opposite Gens, in Battle maps, will earn Contribution Points. Characters cannot attack a Gens Member from the same Gens, in Battle maps.
Contribution Points:
Contribution Points are used for the Gens Ranking system.
They are mostly earned in Battle maps by killing players of the opposing Gens faction.
Killing a player in opposing faction: +5 Contribution Points.
Being killed by a player in opposing faction: -3 Contribution Points.
Repeatedly killing the same character will not gain any Contribution Points.
Other ways to earn Contribution Points - Daily quests.
Speak with the Gens Steward to claim Gens rewards. During the first week of each month, Gens rewards an be claimed by characters holding a Leadership Rank.
[Gens System] Rewards
Old, Steel, Elegant, Shinning Jewelry Case
Elemental Rune x30
Guardian Enhanced Stone x10
Golden Sentence x20
Bless of Light (Greater) x10
Steel of Heaven x5
Ruud Box (5000) x1