Welcome to ErebosMU - S20



Here you can find the drop of all our invasions. Most of them are our custom invasions. Enjoy hunting and super rewards from it.

Puppy Invasion (Lorencia, Noria, Devias, Elbeland) [x1 drop]
40 monsters

x2 Jewel
Ruud (200-500)


Muun Invasion (Elbeland, Kanturu, Raklion, DeepDungeon1, Scorched Canyon) [x1 drop]
30 monsters

Were Rabbit Egg
Lucky Bag Egg
Roomy Egg
Fire Flame Ghost Egg
Golden Goblin Egg


Rooster Seed invasion (Ferea & Nixie) [x1 drop]
30 monsters

Seed Sphere (Ice) 
Seed Sphere (Water)
Seed Sphere (Wind)
Seed Sphere (Lightning)
Seed Sphere (Earth)
Seed Sphere (Fire)
Sphere Upgrade Rune (x10)


Gorgon (Dungeon) [x1 drop]
20 monsters

Elemental Rune 1x
Intermediate Spirit Stone 5x
Jewels 3x
BoL Low
BoL Middle


Ice Queen (Devias) [x1 drop]
20 monsters

Elemental Rune 1x
Intermediate Spirit Stone 5x
Jewels 3x
BoL Low
BoL Middle


Balrog (Losttower) [x1 drop]
20 monsters

Elemental Rune 1x
Intermediate Spirit Stone 5x
Jewels 3x
BoL Low
BoL Middle


Hydra (Atlans) [x1 drop]
20 monsters

300 Earring
Elemental Rune 2x
Tree Vacancies 2x
Intermediate Spirit Stone 5x
Jewels 5x
Ruud Box (500)
BoL Low
BoL Middle
BoL Greater


Zaikan (Tarkan) [x1 drop]
20 monsters

300 Earring
Elemental Rune 2x
Tree Vacancies 2x
Intermediate Spirit Stone 5x
Jewels 5x
Ruud Box (500)
BoL Low
BoL Middle
BoL Greater


Erohim Invasion (Vulcan) [x4 drops]
20 monsters

Sculpture x2
Jewels x7
Jewel of Luck
Jewel of Excess
700 Earring
Mysterious Stone
Miracle Coin
Ruud Box (2000)


Red Dragon (Lorencia, Noria, Devias) [x1 drop]
25 monsters

Skeleton Pet 1D
Demon 1D
Talisman of Ascension I. 1D
Lethal Wizard Ring 1D
BoL Low
BoL Middle
BoL Greater


Cursed Muff (Debenter) [x1 drop]
7 monsters

( Drop rate 5% )
Kundun's Seal Scroll 
Ancient Icarus Scroll 
Empire Guardian's Stronghold 
Kundun's Madness Blade 
Kundun's Magic Spell Scroll 

( Drop rate 95% )
Rage Earring (L) 300lvl
Second Wing Box
Sealed Bloodangel Sculpture (x5)
Elemental Rune x10
Tree Vacancies x10
Jewel of Bless x10

Jewel of Soul x10


Cursed Undine (Uruk) [x1 drop]
7 monsters

( Drop rate 5% )
Kundun's Seal Scroll 
Ancient Icarus Scroll 
Empire Guardian's Stronghold 
Kundun's Madness Blade 
Kundun's Magic Spell Scroll 

( Drop rate 95% )
Rage Earring (R) 750lvl
AA Weapons (+3 options)
Sealed Bloodangel Sculpture (x5)
Elemental Rune x10
Tree Vacancies x10
Jewel of Bless x10
Jewel of Soul x10


Golden Colossus Invasion (Aida) [x1 drop]
40 monsters

1.000.000 Zen
Jewels (x1) 
Titan's Anger (80%)


Elemental Rat Invasion (Alkmar,Ubaid) [x1 drop]
30 monsters
Drop items only for players up to 700 levels.

Ruud Box (500)
Pentagram 180
Tree Vacancies (x3)
Elemental Rune (x3)


Snake Invasion (Nars) [x1 drop]
30 monsters
Drop items only for players up to 900 levels.

Ruud Box (1500)
Elemental Rune (x4)
Tree Vacancies (x4)
Miracle Coin
Mysterious Stone


Cursed Salamander Invasion (Old Kethotum) [x1 drop]
30 monsters
Drop items only for players up to 1100 levels.

Miracle Coin
Elemental Rune (x5)
Tree Vacancies (x5)
Mysterious Stone
Sealed Bloodangel Sculpture x5
Steel of Heaven (x2)
Sculpture (x2)
Jewels (x10)
TOL 10%
Ruud Box (1500)


Cursed Gnome Invasion (Swamp of Darkness) [x1 drop]
20 monsters

Jewels (x20)
Sealed Bloodangel Sculpture (x5)
Elemental Rune (x7)
Tree Vacancies (x7)
Errtel of Radiance (5% Drop Rate)
Guardian Enhanced Stone (x10)
Elite Guardian Enhanced (x2)
Tempest Muun Box (Amplified)
Tempest Muun Evolution Stone Box (Amplified)
Steel of Heaven (x2)
Mysterious Stone
Jewel of Luck
Ruud Box (2000)


Cow Ancient Invasion (Aida) [x3 drops]
30 monsters

Cow (Blue)
Purple Box (2x TOP ANC)
Talisman of Chaos Assembly
Elemental Talisman of Chaos
Elemental Talisman of Luck
Talisman of Luck 10%

Cow (Purple)
Purple Box (2x TOP ANC)
Talisman of Chaos Assembly
Elemental Talisman of Chaos
Elemental Talisman of Luck
Talisman of Luck 10%
Rune Legendary
Black Dragon
Dark Steel
Storm Jahad

Cow (Red)
Purple Box (2x TOP ANC)
Talisman of Chaos Assembly
Elemental Talisman of Chaos
Elemental Talisman of Luck
Talisman of Luck 10%
Dark Pheonix
Grand Soul
Holy Spirit
Thunder Hawk
Gru Hill



Tiger Invasion [x3 drops]
20 monsters

Tiger(Green) Invasion in Deep Dungeon 3 [x1 drops]
DD3 Tiger drops items for players maximum level 950.

Ruud Box (5000)
Errtel of Radiance
Jewel of Luck
Mysterious Stone
Jewels (x30)
Elemental Rune (x10)
Lapidary Stone (x10)
Sealed Bloodangel Sculpture (x5)
Guardian Enhancement Stone (x20)
Elite Guardian Enha Stone (x2)
Artifact Enhancement Stone (x20)
Spider Artifact Fragment (x2)
Tempest Muun Box (Amplified)
Tempest Muun Evolution Stone Box (Amplified)


Tiger(Blue) Invasion in Atlans of Abbys 3 [x1 drops]
Abyss3 Tiger drops items for players maximum level 1150.

Ruud Box (10000)
Errtel of Radiance
Artifact Enhancement Stone (x25)
Spider Artifact Fragment (x3)
Mysterious Stone
Jewel of Luck
Jewels (x50)
Elemental Rune (x15)
Lapidary Stone (x15)
Guardian Enhancement Stone (x25)
Elite Guardian Enha Stone (x3)
Tempest Muun Box (Amplified)
Tempest Muun Evolution Stone Box (Amplified)


Tiger(Purple) Invasion in Ashen Aida [x1 drops]
Ashen Tiger drops items for players maximum level 1350.

Ruud Box (10000)
Jewels x50
Errtel of Radiance
Artifact Enhancement Stone x30
Spider Artifact Fragment x4
Ability Crystals x100
Uriel's Feather x25
Guardian Enhancement Stone x30
Elite Guardian Enha Stone x4
Tempest Muun Box (Amplified)


Tiger(Red) Invasion in Bloody Tarkan [x1 drops]
Bloody Tiger drops items for players 1350lvl +

Ruud Box (25000)
Bless/JoC x100
Errtel of Radiance
Temple Guard Upgrade Stone x20
Ability Crystals x200
Uriel's Feather x50
Guardian Enhancement Stone x40
Elite Guardian Enha Stone x4
Tempest Muun Box (Amplified)
Temple Guard Upgrade Stone x20


Elite Artifact Invasion [x3 drops]
20 monsters

Elite(Great Drakan) Artifact Invasion in Red Smoke Icarus [x1 drop]
Red Smoke Elite drops items for players maximum level 1250.

Artifact Enhancement Stone x20
Spider Artifact Fragment x2
Jewel of Creation x50


Elite(Twin Tail) Artifact Invasion in Kanturu Underground [x1 drop]
Kanturu Underground Elite drops items for players maximum level 1400.

Artifact Enhancement Stone x30
Spider Artifact Fragment x3
Jewel of Creation x100


Elite(Storm Fiend) Artifact Invasion in Tormenta Island [x1 drop]

Temple Guard Upgrade Stone x6


Ability Dragon Invasion [x3 drops]
20 monsters

Ability Blue Dragon(Green) Invasion in Blaze Kethotum [x1 drop]
Blaze Keth Blue Dragon drops items for players maximum level 1350.

Ability Crystals x200
Uriel's Feather x25
Ability Enhancement Stone x25
Jewel of Bless x100


Ability Blue Dragon(Blue) Invasion in Bloody Tarkan [x1 drop]
20 monsters

Ability Crystals x200
Uriel's Feather x25
Ability Enhancement Stone x25
Jewel of Bless x100 


Ability Blue Dragon(Purple) Invasion in Kardamahal Underground Temple [x1 drop]
20 monsters

Temple Guard Upgrade Stone x12


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