Welcome to ErebosMU - S20



VersionSeason 20 Part 1-3
StyleNon-Reset x100 Semi-hard
Normal EXP [Lv 1 ~ 400]100x - 25x (Dynamic)
Master EXP [Lv 401 ~ 800]100x - 25x (Dynamic)
Majestic EXP [Lv 801 ~ 1600]100x - 25x (Dynamic)
Max Level1700
Bug BlessOFF
Max Accounts / IP6
Max Accounts / IP in event square5
Offleveling Limit24h (VIP Unlimited)
Offtrading CurrencyWCoin
Battle mapsAida, Karutan, Vulcanus, DD1, Abyss 1, Ashen Aida
Monsters per Spot7
Monster Spots Regen Time5 seconds
Bosses Respawn Timefrom 3 to 16 hours
Max Alliance Guilds3
Max Guild Members per Guild30
Party Level GapDisabled
Create CharactersAll characters can be created from level 1.
MuHelper Minimum Level to use10
Gremory Case Item Expire time48 Hours
PK Clear cost25 000 000 Zen per kill



CTRL+FToggle SWITCH mode (Less lag)
/starterpackYou will recieve Starter Pack items
/firstluckyYou will recieve 1st Lucky Set to Inventory - Price 2K WC
/journey[level]You will recieve Reward from Journey System
/storeYou can open your warehouse
/offlevelToggle offleveling function (Tarkan+ Only)
/offtradeToggle offtrade function
/dcfriend [character name] [password]To disconnect your account
/postSend a global message to curent server
/gpostSend a globál message to all servers
/remaintimeCheck your VIP status remaining time
/pkclearReduce your PK count
/warPropose war to specified guild
/clearinvClears your inventory (except equipment + used items)
/cleareventinvClears your event inventory
/addstrAdd points to Strenght
/addvitAdd points to Vitality
/addagiAdd points to Agility
/addeneAdd points to Energy
/addcmdAdd points to Command


Exp RateIn addition 25%
Chaos Machine RateIn addition 5%
Drop RateIn addition 10%
Season PassUpgrade to Gold Pass


Chaos Machine Rates
Mix Normal Item Lvl +10100%
Mix Normal Item Lvl +1160% (Luck +25%)
Mix Normal Item Lvl +1255% (Luck +25%)
Mix Normal Item Lvl +1355% (Luck +25%)
Mix Normal Item Lvl +1450% (Luck +25%)
Mix Normal Item Lvl +1550% (Luck +25%)
Mix Item (Exe/Anc/Socket) Lvl +10100%
Mix Item (Exe/Anc/Socket) Lvl +1150% (Luck +25%)
Mix Item (Exe/Anc/Socket) Lvl +1245% (Luck +25%)
Mix Item (Exe/Anc/Socket) Lvl +1345% (Luck +25%)
Mix Item (Exe/Anc/Socket) Lvl +1440% (Luck +25%)
Mix Item (Exe/Anc/Socket) Lvl +1540% (Luck +25%)
Success Rates for Wings
Max Wings Lvl 1 Rate100%
Max Wings Lvl 2 Rate90%
Max Wings Lvl 2.5 Rate60%
Max Wings Relic Lvl 3 Rate65%
Max Wings Lvl 3 Rate65%
Max Wings Relic Lvl 4 Rate55%
Max Wings Lvl 4 Rate55%
Max Wings Relic Lvl 5 Rate50%
Pentagrams Level Up Rates
Mix Item Lvl +10100%
Mix Item Lvl +1150%
Mix Item Lvl +1245%
Mix Item Lvl +1345%
Mix Item Lvl +1440%
Mix Item Lvl +1540%
Upgrade from Normal to Mastery Pentagram
Mix Item Lvl +1180%
Mix Item Lvl +1285%
Mix Item Lvl +1390%
Mix Item Lvl +1495%
Mix Item Lvl +15100%
Jewel Success Rates
Bless Success Rate100%
Soul Success Rate65% (+25% with Luck)
Life Success Rate65%
Fragment Of Horn Max Success Rate90%
Broken Horn Max Success Rate60%
Horn Of Fenrir Max Success Rate50%
Upgrade Horn Of Fenrir Max Succes Rate89%
Rank 3 Errtel Options Rate


Errtel Upgrade RatesLevel 1Level 2Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6Level 7Level 8Level 9Level 10     
Rank 1100%100%100%100%100%90%90%80%80%80%     
Rank 2100%100%100%90%90%85%80%80%70%70%     
Rank 3100%100%90%90%85%80%80%70%70%60%     
Mastery Errtels Level Up RatesLevel 1Level 2Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6Level 7Level 8Level 9Level 10     
Succes Rate60%60%60%60%60%60%60%60%60%60%     
Wing Option Level UpLevel 1Level 2Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6Level 7Level 8Level 9Level 10Level 11Level 12Level 13Level 14Level 15
Succes Rate90%84%78%72%66%60%54%54%54%54%54%54%54%40%40%



Missing font in game:

If you see squares in the game instead of text, then you are missing the font called Arial Unicode MS.
It's a common error in all new muonline clients so make sure to follow the easy steps listed below.


Fix Guide
 Close game client
2. Download the missing ARIALUNI.TTF font from https: https://muonline.eu/ARIALUNI.TTF
3. Right click on the file you just downloaded and click Install
 Alternatively you may download the missing font and copy it to C:/Windows/Fonts or Control Panel > Fonts
Start game client



Anti-lag Plugin

This plugin provides anti-lag features.

Players can choose what features they will turn on/off.  

Main features of anti-lag plugin:
[SHIFT + 1]: Hide Wings
[SHIFT + 2]: Reduce Skill Effect
[SHIFT + 3]: Reduce Item Effect
[SHIFT + 4]: Hide Ground Zen
[SHIFT + 5]: Hide Ground Item
[SHIFT + 6]: Hide Muun Pet
[SHIFT + 7]: Hide Chars and Shadows
[SHIFT + 8]: Hide Skill Effect
[SHIFT + 9]: Reduce Item Shine to +0
[SHIFT + 0]: Reduce terrain objects


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