Welcome to ErebosMU - S20



In the left part of the screen you will find several mini-event games that you can play. In order to play these games, you need to collect Card Pieces and Evomon Summoning Scroll.

Jewel Bingo Game

Jewel Bingo - Lower Box [x1 drop]
Jewels (x3)

Jewel Bingo - Intermediate Box [x1 drop]
Jewels (x5)

Jewel Bingo - Advanced Box [x1 drop]
Jewels (x10)

Jewel Bingo - Premium Box [x1 drop]
Jewels (x15)


Mu Roomy Game

Mu Roomy (250 ~ 400 Points) [x1 drop]
Bless of Light (Middle)
Bless of Light (Greater)
Ruud Box (200​0)​​​​​​
Miracle Coin

Mu Roomy (401 ~ 550 Points) [x1 drop]
Miracle Coin
Ruud Box (3000)
Bless of Light (Greater)

Mu Roomy (551+ Points) [x1 drop]
Bless of Light (Greater) x5
Rare Item Ticket 1
Ruud Box (5000)


Find Bombs Game

Find Bombs - Event Lower Box [x1 drop]
Zen (10kk)
Bless of Light (Lower)

Find Bombs - Event Medium Box [x1 drop]
Miracle Coin
Bless of Light (Medium)
Bless of Light (Lower)

Find Bombs - Event Higher Box [x1 drop]
Miracle Coin
Bless of Light (Greater)

Find Bombs - Event Luxury Box [x1 drop]
Miracle Coin
Ruud Box (1500)
Bless of Light (Greater)
Elemental Talisman of Luck


Baseball Game (Balls & Cows)

Baseball - Lower Box [x1 drop]
Ruud (1000 - 2000)

Baseball - Intermediate Box [x1 drop]
Ruud (2000 - 3000)

Baseball - Senior Box [x1 drop]
Ruud (3000 - 5000)


Drop Evomon Game

Minor Evomon Box  [x1 drop]
Ring of Fire
Ring of Earth
Ring of Poison
Ring of Wind
Ring of Magic
Pendant of Ice
Pendant of Wind
Pendant of Water
Pendant of Ability
Pendant of Lighting
Pendant of Fire

Standard Evomon Box  [x1 drop]
Jewels (x7)

Greater Evomon Box  [x1 drop]
Bless of Light (Greater)
Bless of Light (Medium)
Bless of Light (Lower)

Legendary Evomon Box  [x1 drop]
Horn of Fenrir (Gold) (1D)
Wings of Conqueror (1D)
Rare Item Ticket 1
Ruud Box (5000)

Magnificent Evomon Box  [x1 drop]
Horn of Fenrir (Gold) (1D)
Wings of Conqueror (1D)
Rare Item Ticket 1
Ruud Box (5000)

Luxorious Evomon Box  [x1 drop]
Horn of Fenrir (Gold) (1D)
Wings of Conqueror (1D)
Rare Item Ticket 1
Ruud Box (5000)


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