Welcome to ErebosMU - S20



Events help players grow, in addition to exclusive items, you can also get Ruud for events.


[DROP] Hide & Seek Event
Event will be updated for each player stage !!

Round One
1st Wing Relic
2nd Wing Relic 

Round Two
Intermediate Spirit Stone 5x
Miracle Coin
BoL Low


[DROP] Blood Castle

Blood Castle 1
Jewels (x5)
BoL Low
BoL Middle  

Blood Castle 2 ~ 3
Jewels (x10)
BoL Low
BoL Middle
BoL Higher
Ruud Box (1500)
Miracle Coin
Talisman of Luck 10%
Talisman of Chaos Assembly
Elemental Talisman of Chaos Assembly
Archangel Weapons  

Blood Castle 4 ~ 5
Jewels (x20)
BoL Middle (x2)
BoL Higher (x2)
Ruud Box (3000)
Mysterious Stone
Talisman of Luck 10%
Talisman of Chaos Assembly
Elemental Talisman of Chaos Assembly

Blood Castle 6
Jewels (x30)
BoL Middle (x3)
BoL Higher (x3)
Talisman of Luck 10%
Ability Crystals (x100)

Blood Castle 7
Jewel of Bless (x50)
Ability Crystals (x150)
Uriel's Feather (x50)
BoL Higher (x3)



[DROP] Chaos Castle

Chaos Castle 1 ~ 2
Purple Box (Top ANC)
Ruud Box (1500)
Miracle Coin

Chaos Castle 3 ~ 4
Mysterious Stone
BoL Middle (x2)
BoL Higher (x2)
Ruud Box (3000)
Spider Artifact Box x1
Jewels (x15)

Chaos Castle 5 ~ 6
Jewels (x30)
BoL Middle (x2)
BoL Higher (x2)
Ruud Box (5000)
Talisman of Luck 10%
Talisman of Chaos Assembly
Elemental Talisman of Chaos Assembly
Rare Item Ticket 1
Spider Artifact Box x2
Ability Crystals (x50)
Uriel's Feather (x15)
Mysterious Stone

Chaos Castle 7
Jewel of Bless (x100)
BoL Higher (x3)
Rare Item Ticket 2
Ruud Box (10000)
Ability Crystals (x150)
Uriel's Feather (x50) 


[DROP] Illusion Temple

Illusion Temple Room 1
Bless of Light (Greater) x3

Illusion Temple Room 2
Bless of Light (Greater) x6
Ruud Box (2000)

Illusion Temple Room 3
Bless of Light (Greater) x10
Guardian Enhanced Stone x10
Three Vacancies x15
Ruud Box (3000)

Illusion Temple Room 4
Bless of Light (Greater) x10
Three Vacancies x20
Guardian Enhanced Stone x15
Artifact Enhantment Stone x20
Talisman of Chaos Assembly
Elemental Talisman of Chaos

Illusion Temple Room 5
Bless of Light (Greater) x10
Three Vacancies x25
Guardian Enhanced Stone x25
Elite Guardian Enhanced Stone x2
Artifact Enhantment Stone x25
Talisman of Chaos Assembly
Elemental Talisman of Chaos



[DROP] Golden Colossus Invasion

Golden Goblin (x1)
1.000.000 Zen
Jewels (x1) 
Titan's Anger (80%)

Golden Titan (x1)
5.000.000 Zen
Jewels (x2)
Tantalose's Punishment (70%)

Golden Tantalos (x1)
10.000.000 Zen
Jewels (x3)
Erohim's Nightmare (60%)

Golden Erohim (x1)
20.000.000 Zen
Jewels (x5)
Hell Maine's Insanity (50%)

Golden Hellmaine (x1)
35.000.000 Zen
Jewels (x7)
Kundun's Greed (40%)

Golden Kundun (x1)
Jewels (x10)



[DROP] Double Goer - Doppel Ganger

Final (Gold) Chest [x1 drop]
Talisman of Chaos Assembly
Elemental Talisman of Luck
Elemental Talisman of Chaos



[DROP] Cry Wolf Event

Balgass (Crywolf Event) [x5 drops] 
Talisman of Chaos Assembly
Elemental Talisman of Chaos
Talisman of Luck (5%)
Elemental Talisman of Luck
3rd Wings Relic
Errtel of Radiance
Rare Ticket 1
Rare Ticket 2
Mysterious Stone
Jewel of Luck
Tempest Muun Box (Amplified)
Sealed Bloodangel Sculpture (x10) 

Dark Elf (Crywolf Event) [x2 drop]
Greater Spirit Stone (x10)
Ruud box (2000)

Elf Altar (Crywolf Event) [x1 drop]
Talisman of Chaos Assembly
Elemental Talisman of Chaos
Talisman of Luck (5%)
Elemental Talisman of Luck   

Top 5 players (Crywolf Event) [x1 drop]
Greater Bless of Light x5
Middle Bless of Light x5



[DROP] Imperial Guardian Renewal (Gaion/Varka)

Gaion Level 1 [x1 drop] (minimum 600lvl)
Miracle Coin x2
Mysterious Stone
Jewels x15
Additional drop Ruud Box (5000) 

Gaion Level 2 [x1 drop] (minimum 800lvl)
Spider Artifact Box x1
Artifact Enchantment Stone x10
Jewels x20
Additional drop Ruud Box (10000)   

Gaion Level 3 [x1 drop] (minimum 1000lvl)
Spider Artifact Box x2
Artifact Enchantment Stone x20
Additional drop Ruud Box (10000)   

Gaion Level 4 [x1 drop] (minimum 1100lvl)
Spider Artifact Box x3
Artifact Enchantment Stone x30
Additional drop Ruud Box (10000)

Gaion Level 5 [x1 drop] (minimum 1200lvl)
Ability Crystal x100
Uriel's Feather x20
Additional drop Ruud Box (25000) 

Gaion Level 6 [x1 drop] (minimum 1300lvl)
Ability Crystal x150
Uriel's Feather x30
Additional drop Ruud Box (25000) 

Gaion Level 7 [x2 drop] (1500lvl)
Ability Crystal x200
Uriel's Feather x50
Additional drop Ruud Box (50000)



[DROP] Devil Square

Top 3 ranked players will also be awarded 1 random Talisman.

Devil Square 1
10 Invasion monsters in last 4 minutes of event
Elemental Rune 1x
Intermediate Spirit Stone 5x
Jewels 3x
BoL Low
BoL Middle
300 Earring
Elemental Rune 2x
Tree Vacancies 2x
Ruud Box (500)
Jewels 5x 

Devil Square 2

21 Invasion monsters in last 4 minutes of event
Tree Vacancies x4
Elemental Rune x4 

Devil Square 3
27 Invasion monsters in last 4 minutes of event
Tree Vacancies x4
Elemental Rune x4

Devil Square 4

21 Invasion monsters in last 4 minutes of event
Tree Vacancies x5
Elemental Rune x5

Devil Square 5

27 Invasion monsters in last 4 minutes of event
Tree Vacancies x5
Elemental Rune x5

Devil Square 6

21 Invasion monsters in last 4 minutes of event
Tree Vacancies x5
Elemental Rune x5
Ability Crystals x20

Devil Square 7

21 Invasion monsters in last 4 minutes of event
Tree Vacancies x5
Elemental Rune x5
Ability Crystals x20


Boss Battle Together (Event Zone)
Open every day at 8:00,16:00,20:00,22:00

Battle Boss Bonus Box [x3 drop]
Highest Total Damage & Last Hit To Final Boss
Jewel of Luck
Jewel of Excess
Condor Feather
Guardian Enhanced Stone x30
Elite Guardian Enhanced x3
Artifact Fragment x2
Artifact Enhancement Stone x20
Blood Crafting Frame (4th)
Glory of Honor (3rd)
Ancestral Fram (2nd)
Ruud Box (10000)
Errtel of Radiance

Jewel of Harmony Box [x2 drop]
Accumulate Minumum 1 milion Damage
Jewel of Harmony (x50)
Jewel of Creation (x50)


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