Welcome to ErebosMU - S20



Here you can find drop from all bosses which can you hunt on our server. Some of them are really very strong, so be prepared.


Balgass (Crywolf Event) [x5 drops] - Fixed respawn time according to timer

Elemental Talisman of Chaos
Talisman of Chaos Assembly
Elemental Talisman of Luck
Talisman of Luck (10%)
3rd Wings Relic
Rare Item Ticket 1
Rare Item Ticket 2
Errtel of Radiance
Mysterious Stone
Tempest Muun Box (Amplified)
Sealed Bloodangel Sculpture (x10)


Nightmare (Maya) [x3 drops] - Open 4 hour after kill

380 Level Weapons
Ruud Box (3000)


Maya Hands (Maya) [x5 drops]

380 Level Set Items


Kundun (Kalima 7) [x7 drops] - Random respawn 2-5 Hour after kill

TOP Ancient Items
Seed Capsule
Sealed Bloodangel Sculpture x5
Rare Ticket1
Mysterious Stone
Miracle Coin
Ruud Box (3000)
Random Jewels (x15)
Elemental Rune (x15)


Medusa (Swamp of Calmness) [x7 drops] - Every 4 hours

Archaangel Weapons
TOP Ancient Items
Seed Capsule
Sealed Bloodangel Sculpture x5
Random Jewels (x15)
Elemental Rune (x15)
Mysterious Stone
Miracle Coin
Ruud Box (3000)
Jewel of Luck


Selupan (Raklion) [x10 drops] - Random respawn 2-5 Hour after kill

Socket Items
Mysterious Stone
Random Jewels (x20)
Elemental Rune (x20)
Ruud Box (5000)
Jewel of Luck
Rare Ticket1
Sculpture (x3)
Steel of Heaven (x3)
Nixie Ticket (x3)
Sealed Bloodangel Sculpture (x5)
Seed Capsule



Core Magriffy (Nars) [x5 drops] - Random respawn 5-8 Hour after kill

Reppen (Mount)
Grippus (Mount)
Ruud Box (5000)
Random Jewels (x30)
Steel of Heaven (x3)
Sealed Bloodangel Sculpture (x5)
Rare Item Ticket 1
Tempest Muun Box (Amplified)
Tempest Muun Evolution Stone Box (Amplified)
Kundun's Seal Scroll
Ancient Icarus Scroll
Empire Guardian's Stronghold
Kundun's Madness Blade
Kundun's Magic Spell Scroll
Antonia's Sword
Arca's Prophecy


Lord Silvester (Uruk) [x5 drops] - Random respawn 5-8 Hour after kill

Mysterious Stone
Kundun's Seal Scroll
Ancient Icarus Scroll
Empire Guardian's Stronghold
Kundun's Madness Blade
Kundun's Magic Spell Scroll
Antonia's Sword
Arca's Prophecy
Sealed Bloodangel Sculpture (x5)
Mysterious Stone
Sculpture (x5)
Random Jewels (x30)
Ruud Box (5000)
Steel of Heaven (x3)
Rare Item Ticket 1
Tempest Muun Box (Amplified)
Tempest Muun Evolution Stone Box (Amplified)


Lord of Ferea (Ferea) [x5 drops] - Random respawn 5-8 Hour after kill

Kundun's Seal Scroll
Ancient Icarus Scroll
Empire Guardian's Stronghold
Kundun's Madness Blade
Kundun's Magic Spell Scroll
Antonia's Sword
Arca's Prophecy
Mysterious Stone
3rd Wing Relic
Ruud Box (10000)
Steel of Heaven (x5)
Errtel of Radiance
Rare Item Ticket 1
Tempest Muun Box (Amplified)
Tempest Muun Evolution Stone Box (Amplified)


Deep Dungeon Gorgon (Deep Dungeon 5) [x5 drop] - Random respawn 5-8 Hour after kill

DA Anvil (DA weapon upgrade)
Sealed Stone Shard (DA set upgrade)
3rd Wing Relic
Ruud Box (10000)
Errtel of Radiance
Random Jewels (x40)
Guardian Enhanced Stone (x30)
Elite Guardian Enhanced Stone (x3)
Rare Item Ticket 1
Tempest Muun Box (Amplified)
Tempest Muun Evolution Stone Box (Amplified)
Jasper Necklace
Lapis Lazuli Necklace


Knicks (Nixies Lake) [x7 drops] - Random respawn 12-18 Hour after kill

Seed Sphere
Ruud Box (10000)
Errtel of Radiance
3rd Wing Relic
Holyangel Spirit (HA set upgrade)
HA Anvil (HA weapon upgrade)
Norrwen's Bloodstring Lyra
Lemuria's Orb
Runedil's Goldentune Harp
Antonia's Sword
Arca's Prophecy
Rare Item Ticket 2
Jewel of Kundun
Spider Artifact Box x4
Tempest Muun Box (Amplified)


God of Darkness (Swamp of Darkness) [x5 drops] - Random respawn 12-18 Hour after kill

3rd Wing Relic
Ruud Box (25000)
Golden Sentence (x50)
Norrwen's Bloodstring Lyra
Lemuria's Orb
Runedil's Goldentune Harp
Antonia's Sword
Arca's Prophecy
Soul Anvil (Awa weapon upgrade)
Awakening Soul (Awa set upgrade)
Rare Item Ticket 2
Jewel of Kundun
Tempest Muun Box (Amplified)
Spider Artifact Box x4
Jasper Necklace
Lapis Lazuli Necklace


Elite Scorched Wizard (Scorched Canyon) [x5 drop]

Guardian Enhanced Stone x50
Elite Guardian Enhanced x5
Spider Artifact Box x4
Artifact Enhancement Stone x40
Ghost Horse
2nd Earrings (Ancestral)
Errtel of Radiance
Rare Item Ticket 2
Jewel of Kundun
3rd Wing Relic
Ruud Box (10000)
Jasper Necklace
Lapis Lazuli Necklace
Necklace of Agony
Solid Symbol
Ring of Ultimatum


Elite Temple Gargoyle (Arenil Temple) [x5 drop]

Guardian Enhanced Stone x50
Elite Guardian Enhanced x5
Spider Artifact Box x4
Artifact Enhancement Stone x40
Ghost Horse
2nd Earrings (Ancestral)
Errtel of Radiance
Rare Item Ticket 2
Jewel of Kundun
3rd Wing Relic
Ruud Box (10000)
Jasper Necklace
Lapis Lazuli Necklace
Necklace of Agony
Solid Symbol
Ring of Ultimatum


Elite Crimson Harpy (Blaze Kethotum) [x5 drop]

Guardian Enhanced Stone x100
Elite Guardian Enhanced x10
Spider Artifact Box x5
Artifact Enhancement Stone x50
Uriel's Feather x100
Ability Crystal x500
Ice Dragon 
3rd Earring (Honor)
Rare Item Ticket 2
Jewel of Kundun
4th Wing Relic
Ruud Box (25000)
Battle Jasper Necklace
Battle Lagoon Necklace
Necklace of Agony
Solid Symbol
Ring of Ultimatum


Elite Magma Shaman (Ignis Volcano) [x5 drop]

Guardian Enhanced Stone x100
Elite Guardian Enhanced x10
Spider Artifact Box x5
Artifact Enhancement Stone x50
Uriel's Feather x100
Ability Crystal x500
Ice Dragon 
3rd Earring (Honor)
Jewel of Kundun
4th Wing Relic
Ruud Box (25000)
Battle Jasper Necklace
Battle Lagoon Necklace
Protector Protection Ring
Protection Ring


Elite Twisted Condra (Twisted Karutan) [x5 drop]

Guardian Enhanced Stone x150
Elite Guardian Enhanced x15
Uriel's Feather x150
Ability Crystal x750
Pierce Lion
4th Earring (Blood)
Jewel of Kundun
4th Wing Relic
Ruud Box (50000)
Battle Jasper Necklace
Battle Lagoon Necklace
Protector Protection Ring
Protection Ring


Metal Balrog (Arena) [x7 drop] - FR,SA,SU at 17:30 srv. time - (cords 97/97)

Blood angel weapons
Darkangel Anvil
Holyangel Anvil
Soul Anvil
Sealed Stone Shard (DA stone)
Holyangel Spirit (HA stone)
Awakening Soul
Guardian Enhanced Stone x100
Elite Guardian Enhanced x10
Spider Artifact Box x5
Artifact Enhancement Stone x50
Jewel of Kundun
4th Feather
4th Wing Relic
Errtel of Radiance
Battle Jasper Necklace
Battle Lagoon Necklace
Protector Protection Ring
Protection Ring


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